H20 is a community where every member treats each other with respect and helps others achieve their desired professional goals.

CIVIL Behavior

Do not engage in trolling behavior or participate in other negative content that disrupts other users or conversations on the platform.


You have the obligation to use your real identity, a real photo profile, and providing to fill it with accurate information sharing truthful and authentic information.


H20 facilitates connections to foster productivity and success among its members. Tone and professional ethics are crucial conditions.

H20 Community Policy, Terms and Conditions

20V™ and H20™ are registered trademarks of Twenty Investments Srl.

Twenty Investments Srl holds all rights and is responsible for and operates the H20 Community Service at URL

Joining H20, you agree to accept and adhere to this code of conduct and fully accept this Policy, Terms and Conditions. 

Violations may take action against your account or your content. This Policy applies to all members. Depending on the severity of the violation, we may suspend your account, limit the visibility of certain content, ban or remove it entirely. Serious and repeated violations will result in account revocation. If you believe that actions related to your content or account have been applied in error, you can appeal to the network owner Twenty Investments Srl.

Identity and Activity
A real photo and a real name are required to stay in good standing with H2O not to be banned. Profile completion and active participation are fundamental policies of H20 because they directly impact the quality of connections, opportunities, and support available to all members. If inactive, you will be expelled from the network. No member may spam promotional activities, links and content that have the sole purpose of promoting the brand and the sale of their own products and/or services. Repeated spam and persistent attempts to manipulate the natural presentation of the timeline by highlighting your own posts or hiding others will result in network suspension. 
Information on the H20 Professional Community
Thank you for being an H20 member, where professionals, founders, investors, and experts come together for mutual value exchange, to stay informed, acquire new skills, and establish productive relationships. The content you publish should contribute to the H20 community constructively. Together we can make our community a place where everyone can learn, grow, and communicate: these behaviors in turn create economic opportunities for each individual user.

Do not post harassing content: we do not allow bullying or harassing behavior. This includes targeted personal attacks, intimidation, humiliation, disparagement, and offensive language directed at other users. Do not disclose personal or sensitive information of other users and do not incite others to engage in the aforementioned behaviors. Do not engage in trolling behavior or participate in other negative content that disrupts other users or conversations on the platform.

Do not threaten, incite, or promote acts of violence: we do not allow any type of threat or incitement to violence. We do not allow individuals or groups to participate in or incite acts of violence, property damage, or organized criminal activity. You may not use H20 to express your support for political parties or organizations.

Do not promote, sell, or attempt to access illegal goods and services. We do not allow content that promotes or distributes fake educational and/or professional certifications, sale of scraped data, proxy testing, or instructions on creating counterfeit official documents. You cannot use H20 to promote lotteries, contests, sweepstakes, or giveaways. Do not use H20 to sensationalize or take advantage of tragic events for commercial purposes.

Do not engage in sexual innuendos or unwanted advances.

We do not allow unwanted expressions of attraction, desire, requests for romantic relationships, marriage proposals, sexual advances or innuendos, or obscene remarks. H20 is a professional networking platform, not a dating site. Do not use H20 to obtain connections for romantic purposes, do not ask for romantic dates, and do not make sexually-charged comments about other users' appearance or attractiveness. Do not make unwanted advances through messages, posts, or comments, and do not send sexually explicit images to anyone on the platform. No comments or allusions to sexual orientation or gender will ever be allowed on H20. Any content showing such attitude will be promptly removed and the user immediately excluded from the Community.

Any member of the H20 Community assumes civil and criminal responsibility for all of their actions and behaviors.

On H20, you have the obligation to use your real photo and identity, provide accurate information about yourself or your organization, and share only truthful and authentic information.

Do not share false or misleading content: do not share content that is false, misleading, or intended to deceive. Do not share content with the purpose of interfering with or improperly influencing elections or any other civic process. Do not share content that directly contradicts the guidance of major global health organizations and public health authorities. Do not share content or support someone or something in exchange for personal benefits unless you have included a clear and explicit statement of the benefit you will receive.

Do not create a false profile or falsify information about yourself: we do not allow false entities or profiles. Do not post misleading information about yourself, your company, your qualifications, your work experience, your affiliations, or your achievements. For your profile picture, do not use someone else's image, or any other photo that does not represent you. Do not associate yourself on H20 with a company or organization with which you actually have no association. Do not use or attempt to use another person's H20 account, and do not create a user profile for third parties. And do not share your H20 account with anyone else.

Do not engage in scam, fraud, or deception activities. Do not use H20 to facilitate scams or defraud users in any other way. Do not share malicious software that puts our users, our platform, or our services at risk. Phishing attempts are not allowed.

H20's mission is to facilitate connections between professional users, companies, and experts to help increase their productivity and success. We allow broad conversations about the world of work, but the tone must be professional. To maintain a professional platform, users must treat each other with mutual respect and civil manners. Do not interact with other people or share content in an uncivil, inappropriate, or disrespectful manner.

Do not send spam. Do not use our invitation feature to send promotional messages to people you do not know or to spam others in any other way. We encourage you to create original, professional, relevant, and interesting content in order to gain popularity in the ecosystem and share value with H20 members. Do not act in ways that artificially increase interest in your content. Respond authentically to other users' content and do not pre-arrange with other people to recommend or comment on each other's content.

Exchange of services and products between members is allowed on H20. H20 facilitates connections between users and does not receive any remuneration from the sale of products, services, and/or professional consulting born in H20. Nor does it receive any Fee on capital raises facilitated by interactions in H20 between Startups and Investors.

No member may spam promotional activities and content that have the sole purpose of promoting the sale of their own products and/or services
. The interest in deepening knowledge is free for every member and cannot be solicited in any way by the publication of content aimed at drawing exclusive advantages from the direct promotion of one's services and/or products.

Memberships dedicated to official H20 Providers are limited and are subject to an admission and selection process. Only admitted Providers will have an identifying badge as 'H20 Partner' and will be able to take advantage of a dedicated space personalized with their own brand to highlight their skills for the benefit of the entire H20 community.

H20 Approved Providers must always maintain proactive and non-harassing behavior. The promotion of their skills and their products and/or services can only take place through constant and active interaction with the entire community, fueling discussion with valuable content that increases the knowledge and professional preparation of all members. No other promotional activities are allowed other than the visibility of their offer within their dedicated space. The activity of 'H20 Partners' within any other common space must always guarantee the maximum contribution in terms of content, conversations, and insights.

H20 encourages free connection between all members, making Live Meeting features available to its community and allowing such meeting events to be private, open to other members by invitation only, or public. Their scheduling, in any case, is displayed on a shared calendar.

The purpose of this Feature is to self-fuel the overall activity of users by trying to break down the frontier that divides real and digital. H20 is a place where everyone works, and it is normal for meetings to be in progress and for the rooms where a meeting is taking place to be visible. In absolute respect of the privacy of each user who can decide in total autonomy the level of sharing of such information.